For the thousands of newborns and preemies diagnosed with respiratory distress syndrome each year, safe and effective NICU pulmonary support is essential to survival.
While many of these neonates are intubated, other available forms of noninvasive respiratory support may be appropriate, as well. One of the most common and successful noninvasive methods for this patient population is bubble CPAP, which delivers a blended, humidified gas source to the infant’s airway via short binasal prongs.
In this special feature from RT, “Bubble CPAP Offers Noninvasive Lifeline for Infants with Respiratory Difficulties,” clinical experts provide best practices for initiating this noninvasive, low-cost therapy.
This article will discuss:
- bCPAP benefits, safety, and weaning protocols;
- Overcoming challenges to implementation; and
- The benefits of monitoring airway pressure and oxygen levels.
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